Saturday, July 25, 2009

Camp Edelwin 7/12/2009

On July 12th, Emmett and I took a road trip up to Linda's home. She graciously offered to watch (OK, so I asked her and she said yes) Emmett while our family took a quick trip to Chicago for the wedding of Mark's son. Linda has three adult female Bullies so it was heaven on earth for this hopeful young stud. Unfortunately, they had other ideas and put him in his place rather quickly. Here is a picture of me dropping him off. I was crushed and he never looked back.

Here is one with Linda's grandson Ben, trying to make Emmett feel at home. Notice me clutching him close. I was having separation anxiety. I wouldn't have trusted anyone else to watch my baby.

I need to run now but will have lots more to post when time permits. He had so much fun in two and 1/2 days that I'm thinking coming home was a big let down. I will say that he slept for almost a day and a half once he got back. A tired Bully is a very happy Bully.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playdate - Emmett & Reno

A few weeks after we had Emmett home we were invited to a playdate at Marianne N's home out in Burnsville. She had a litter of pups around the time that Emmett was born. Unfortunately, two of the three pups didn't make it so Reno was left all alone. Playing with mom wasn't enough so Emmett and I went on a road trip to spend a Saturday afternoon romping in the yard.

Marianne has a beautiful home perched on a hill overlooking a valley. It was a wonderful place to just sit and watch the world go by. I brought Emmett into the yard and set him down. In a flash, Reno was on him. This was his yard and he wasn't going to let any interlopers mess with his territory. I think for the first hour Emmett was on his back in the grass. Gradually, he got the hang of it and was knocking Reno around. Later in the day, Linda W. came over and we took some photos of the pups stacked on a table. I think Emmett is beautiful, especially with the backdrop of the valley behind them.

Reno head shot

Reno in Jail

Emmett in jail (notice the dirt on face - courtesy of Reno)

Emmett & Reno on the steps

Stacked photos of Emmett

Welcome Emmett

On May 21st, 2009 my good friend Linda W. and I packed up her van with two adult Bullies and two puppies and headed to Illinois for the Illiana dog shows. The puppies were from a litter that she co-bred and we were delivering one to a family in Wisconsin and another at the dog show. They were so cute. Linda was also going to be showing a dog - Hooty for the family that owns him. He is also from a litter that she had about 3 years ago.

I had planned to go on this trip just to get out of the house after Rupert passed but it soon turned in to a puppy pick up for our family as well. There was a new all white puppy dog with our name on it in Pennsylvania. We were fortunate enough to be able to pick him up at the shows. He is a half brother to Rupert. They share the same father - "Manny" Ch.Apprentice Man In Action. Manny is a beautiful brindle and white dog who caught my attention early in my quest to find a Bull Terrier. It cracked me up when we received Rupert as he was all white with wonderful red ears and red eye patch. He didn't look too much like Manny but we loved him so much.

Now, another Manny pup was to be ours and Franne was going to pick the best one for us. I was hopeful as I knew the litter of seven had four boys, three of which were colored. I believed my chances of getting a Manny look alike were high. When Franne sent the photos of the pup she picked for us, I laughed out loud. Not because he was funny looking but because he was the only all white puppy in the whole litter. What are the chances. We trust Franne and knew that she picked the right one for us.

On Friday, May 22nd Cindy P. drove all the way from Pennsylvania with her bitch Tansy (who just had 10 puppies of her own at the end of June!) and our new boy. She was so tired from the long trip that she handed him off quickly with a packet of papers and some food and was off to bed. There I was, standing in a dark parking lot of the motel with my all white boy, looking at him and wondering who he was. Linda and her friend Robin had gone off for a walk with the older dogs as we weren't expecting the delivery to happen so early. I walked back to our room wondering what I had gotten myself into. He was very cute but I kept looking for the red ears of Rupert. For an instant I wondered if I had jumped into this too soon. I did't want to compare them, it wouldn't be fair to the new little guy. Rupert left a huge hole in my heart and I really wondered if this new bundle of white and very sharp teeth would be able to fill it. The name I had chosen all of a sudden didn't seem to fit. So for the next four days I called him puppy while Linda, Robin, her husband Cliff and I all tried to come up with something fitting. We got pretty silly at times but nothing seemed to stick. Here are a few photos of his arrival in Illinois.

Puppy came home to Minnesota with all engines in overdrive. He had so much energy he exhausted me. He was in to everything and anything and those teeth! He caught me by the finger my first day with him and it bled so much I thought I might faint. I reached for a toy just as he was going for it and he sliced my index finger top and bottom with those sharp canines. I called him a few choice names when that happened and am now glad that none of those stuck.

Like Rupert, he wormed his way into our hearts and lives. He soon became known as Emmett which is the name I had chosen originally. Once we got home it seemed to fit. His Aussie brother Fizzbo was none too pleased to see this new little land shark. Soon the tufts of Fizzbo hair were flying although this time around Fizzbo learned that he can say no and mean it. They get along very well and also know when to leave each other alone. Here are a couple of them together.

We only had to tape Emmett's ears for two days before they stood on their own. Here he is with his new look. It was a little sad for me as he seemed to grow up overnight. Love the floppy look but am so glad they went up and stayed up!

Emmett's nose hasn't filled in completely and for a short time I thought about calling him Mickey.....take a look at the photo and see if you can figure out why..

Emmett is such a smart boy. He has learned at the age of about 10 weeks to sit and wait for the OK to get his food. He will sit about 20 feet away and not move until he hears the word. The funniest part is that when I prepare his food he will go out and sit in the dining room in his spot without me having to ask. He also remembers every house on our walks where people have come out to pet him. Now, when we walk, he has to stop at each place and see if his friends are coming out. Makes for a very long walk when we have to stop so often.

As with Rupert, my most favorite photos are of him sleeping. He looks like such an angel when his eyes are closed.

That's it for now. I have more to post of his puppy play date with Reno and his time at Camp Woodruff while we were away at a wedding. Will have to wait for another day.

RUPERT - 6/6/08 - 4/1/09

I was going to post a lot of photos to say good-bye to Rupert. It's taken me this long to want to post anything. Cindy P. who is the co-owner of Rupert's father sent me a beautiful photo of Rupert, taken at her home right before he came home to us in Minnesota last August. This photo summed up his life so perfectly that I think it's the only one needed to show people what kind of dog he was. He lived life to the fullest and took time to smell the flowers along the way. His eight months with us were filled with such joy for all of us. We hated leaving him in the morning and raced home at lunch time and after work to see him. He couldn't have been loved any more than we loved him. Enjoy the photo!