Sunday, September 28, 2008

Show Dog?

As Rupert grows we look forward to the day when he will make his dog show debut. We know we'll have a lot of fun with him and we've met so many great Bull Terrier fanciers in the short time that we've had him. We attempted to take a few photos of him in a stacked position. Not easy with a squirmy puppy who just wants to chomp your fingers off to get at the bait. It all takes time. Kudos to Mark for doing such a good job having never done it before. The photography skills are a bit lacking. Seems my shutter was always a nanosecond too slow or fast to get just the right shot.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Rupert is fast approaching 4 months old. He has had many social experiences in his short life and loves meeting new people and dogs.

One of his favorite things is riding in the shopping cart at PetSmart. We cart him for two reasons. One, you never know what kind of parasites/bugs they can pick up in these places and two, many people don't know where their dog's noses are at any given time and that is when trouble can erupt. Not all dogs are dog friendly so it's better to be safe than sorry.

We had one such episode last week. Rupert was in the cart and I asked to pet a very large four month old Cane Corso. This breed is not often seen in this area and has had bad press much like pit bulls. I let the pup sniff my hand and as I went to pet him he caught sight of Rupert in the cart. The low menacing growl followed and in a flash he lunged at the cart. I jumped in front of him and pushed the cart. Better I get the bite than my puppy!

Once all had calmed down I had a very serious discussion with this puppy owner. It was not hard to tell that this owner has no clue how big and strong this dog will be and that he is already running the show. I encouraged them to contact a trainer and get help as soon as possible. After that we cruised around to find another person so that we could end our visit on a positive note.

I am a firm believer that people make the pet. I love all dog breeds and only wish that there was enough time in life to have one of each. They all need training and socialization. People who chain dogs in yards or basements and then wonder why they go bad should be given the same my soapbox....time to go hug my puppies....Forgot the camera at home so photo updates will be forthcoming....

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Video

So what do you do with a puppy who is teething like mad? Give him a box of course. When Wrigley was a pup he would destroy cardboard boxes however would not eat the pieces. Well, Rupert decided that this was a new delicacy and started munching each and every bit right down. So....the box top went away.

With his increased size is coming increased energy. Last night he zoomed around the house getting into anything and everything. Electrical cords seem to fascinate him so we must be ever vigilant. On one pass around the living room he almost took out a lamp and a T.V. tray. He also has found a new way to try and get Fizzbo's attention. He will roll over...and over...and over...trying to get Fizzbo to make a move so he can steal whatever it is that Fizzbo has. He is one funny pup.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rupert & Rambo...Playdate

Last Saturday we brought Rupert over to visit Rambo, a seven month old Cocker Spaniel. Rambo's dad was very ill and Rambo's mom needed someone to give Rambo some exercise. Enter Rupert, the wonder dog of running and wrestling. They had a great time together and both pups slept most of Saturday evening and in to Sunday. We went back for another go yesterday and they are now fast friends. Sadly, Rambo's dad passed away early this morning. Larry was his best buddy and loved Rambo so much. Hugs go out to Rambo and his mom, Dee.

Here are a few photos of the playdate......

Here too are a few more shots from Sunday when Rupert was one sleepy dude...and, a couple of head shots...does he look like he's smiling?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Who knew???

OK, so first of all who knew that I had two blogs? Apparently I started one under the name AskTheAndersons a long time ago and never did anything with it. Today while logging in to post to Rupert's blog my subconscious (sp) mind must have remembered the log in and password for the old one. I posted and previewed and couldn't figure out why it had a different layout and why there was only one post...Uf Dah...

So, our new camera has a video feature which I started playing with yesterday. In this clip Rupert is trying to do anything he can to distract Fizzbo so he can get the Bully stick that Fizzbo is chewing on. Fizzbo is no dummy and doesn't even bat an eyelash. He knows this trick as he employs it daily to get what Rupert has.

The audio may sound like they are underwater and that is my fault. I had my finger over the microphone the whole time. Geez...who knew they had audio too???? Enjoy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Almost 13 Weeks and Growing!

So, how many photos of a puppy can one possibly take before it's too much??? Of course the answer is...there are never enough! We are totally smitten with our new family member...Of course when he's scurrying through the house with a pair of jeans that someone left hanging over a chair or has the rug from the bathroom clamped in his jaws and is running like the wind to get away we may take a step back and think "what have we done"....and then, we smile and pry his jaws open while giving him something suitable to chew. Funny how he only gets at the wrong stuff when his dad is home watching him. are a few photos to tide you all over for awhile. We realized that even though he is a baby he looks very adult like so it's sometimes hard to see the changes.....His legs are longer and his ears are up...He's gaining weight and eats voraciously at every meal....I asked him this morning if he had a tapeworm as the bowl was empty almost as fast as I put it on the floor....Fizzbo enjoys initiating play with him and also enjoys his time spent with me outside away from Sharkey. We chase around the yard until we are both having trouble catching our breath, work on our obedience commands and go on poop patrol.....Rupert would love to help with that job however he keeps trying to knock the poop out of the scooper so he has to stay in now when that job is being done. OK....hope you enjoy the photos!