Friday, August 29, 2008

Rupert A Model

OK, so it's not a real magazine cover...but what fun it was to put it togehter!

Rupert is almost 12 weeks old and has been with us for almost 4 weeks. The time has flown by and he is a great addition to our family. His ears are up and look great. He's consistently alerting us to his needs to go out. (We still stand at only two accidents his first week with us due to human error) Less and less Fizzbo fur is being pulled out and for the first time last night he actually just layed down next to Fizzbo to rest. As you may imagine, Fizzbo was looking a little wary, wondering when little "Jaws" was going to turn and grab some fluff. He's been a great traveler and we take both dogs somewhere almost every day.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rupert's Travels

It's been a few days since last I posted however with good reason. Our daughter Hannah is now a college freshman at Michigan Tech. We drove up to Houghton Michigan which is located in the upper peninsula on Saturday with Rupert in tow. It was a trip frought with emotion but Rupert is a trooper and traveled like a pro. It's a lot to ask of a puppy to be crated for 7 hours (multiple potty and snack stops along the way), have a couple hours of out time and then back in the crate for the ride home. We actually think he fared better than us.

Here's a shot of the family before we left Hannah to start college life

Hannah and I have been photographed with me holding her on the first day of school since she was in Kindergarten. All I can say is it was a lot easier to do when she was small.

Rupert's ears are coming along. Below are a few shots of him looking like he could take off if a strong wind caught him just right.

He's getting bigger every day. We weighed him this morning and he's 19.2 pounds. Yikes, what happened to the chubby puppy that fit so wonderfully in my lap? He's not in the least bit fat. His legs are longer and he's incredibly solid.

We took him to a dog show on Sunday, yes we got up early after arriving home at 12:30AM and went to a dog show to meet up with a few Bull Terrier people that Franne introduced us to. We found each other by accident and once they saw Rupert they all wanted to steal him. I was told that he is very handsome and a very promising pup. We of course already knew that because Franne picked him for us. By the time we left, he was sleeping in our aching arms and Linda was already speculating about using him as a stud for her girl Kissy. We'll just grow him up and see what happens. All the Bull Terrier people were very nice and helpful. They are looking forward to seeing us at our first show in January.

The last photos are random.....can't forget that Fizzbo is still top dog so a few shots of him and I'm signing off for the day. Need to run home for doggy and puppy playtime and a little lunch.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy Week

It's hard to believe that it will be three weeks this Sunday since Rupert came home. He's had a lot of fun with Fizzbo and they are now playing nice. Fewer and fewer tufts of Fizzbo fur are hanging from Rupert's mouth.

Rupert picked up a parasite (Giardia) and has been on medication for a week. It's doing the job and he'll be good as new in no time. He's a great pill taker, especially when the pill is slathered in peanut butter.

This week, Anne Wolff Nichols will be coming over for a little home schooling. We are excited to have her visit and teach us her methods of dog training. To learn more about Anne you can check out her website at

On Saturday it will be another road trip to bring Hannah up to Michigan Technological University. Rupert will be riding along and Fizzbo will stay home to play with our friend Leslie. Hannah's going to miss her pups but will be very busy learning the lay of the land and living on her own. We are excited for her to begin her new adventure.

Rupert is now alerting us to his bathroom needs by going to the door. What a smart pup. He's only had two small accidents (due to human error) since he's been home. He's growing like a weed and now prefers to drink water out of the raised water bowl.

I will be bringing the camera home to get some better shots of him and will post them soon!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun Filled Saturday

This morning we got up early and headed over to the Caribou Coffee shop. We sat outside and had mochas and pastry. Just a few calories. Fizzbo and Rupert waited patiently for us to finish. They had a few visitors too. Steve stopped to chat and tell us about his French Bulldog, Rufus. Then a mom with two young sons stopped by to give our boys a pat. A man out walking his 16 week old Shihtzu named Zoro also stopped. Rupert looked like a heavy weight compared to Zoro. One gal walked by with a psycho Gordon Setter. It snarled and barked and Fizzbo got between us and the dog as if to say, "you better watch out, I'm protecting my family!"

From coffee it was off to Chuck and Don's for more food and bully sticks. Then it was time to go visit Grandpa and Grandma for the first time. Grandma gave the boys big bowls of cold water. Below is Grandpa holding Rupert. He said he's ugly but we know he loves him.

Grandpa Sieberer and Rupert Resting Pups

When we got home it was more time to play and zoom around the living room. The dog toys are everywhere. Looks like a couple of two year olds live here now. After a bit Fizz and Rupert stopped to rest for a bit.

My favorite shots are of him sleeping....what an angel......very deceiving to be sure.....

Friday, August 8, 2008

9 Weeks Old

Rupert is 9 weeks old and although we've had him for less than a week we can see that he is growing. Today he looks taller and we know he's heavier. He eats like a vacuum and enjoys everything he is given with gusto.

He gets a combination of high quality kibble - Natures Variety Prairie Chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese, raw meat and vegetables and more.....He's eating four times a day so gets a good variety. All these groceries give him energy to burn and he's already figured out that he can run from the living room through the dining room, through the kitchen, down the hall and back to the living room. Fizzbo keeps trying to herd him and does not like when he goes on these fast paced jaunts.

Last night we drove to the lake (once he's bigger we'll walk from home) to walk the path. Our friend Bill was there sitting on his favorite bench. Bill is 83 and lives in an apartment near by that does not allow pets. He loves dogs so always has a supply of treats in his pocket. He's known Fizzbo for a year and last night Rupert became his new friend.

Here's a picture of Bill and Fizzbo. I'll have to bring my camera next time and get a shot of Rupert and Bill next time we meet.

Rupert got a lot of attention at the lake. Everyone thought he was adorable and that Fizzbo was beautiful. They all made sure to give Fizzbo attention too which was very nice.

After our walk we headed home for his evening meal and a good snooze.

Here he is snoozing on my lap after that meal. He was out. Took this picture with my phone so it's a little fuzzy. Here's what he will look like when his ears stand.

This last shot is also from my phone. Fizzbo loves to drape himself along the back of the couch so that he can survey his kingdom in comfort. Rupert has figured out the couch is the place to be for a good rest be it on someone's lap or snugged up in the corner. He did try the back of the couch but fell between the cushions. He'll get the hang of it when he's a bit bigger.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ruperts First Days

Fizzbo meets Rupert

Sacked out in the motel before the long drive home.

Hannah getting to know Rupert before she heads off to college. Stopping to smell the clover
Getting the hang of playing with Fizzbo.

Playing with MeMe before leaving for the motel.

Six weeks old - our first photo

Well everyone, he is finally home. Our new Bull Terrier boy, Rupert. It was a long trip from White Bear Lake, MN to Martinsville Indiana. Channa Beth and Steve Butcher were so gracious as to bring our boy from Pennsylvania to their home where we met to pick him up. Let me tell you that we won't be going on any road trips anytime soon.

For an eight week old pup he traveled great. Never a peep out of him unless he needed us to stop for a potty break or a drink of water.

Rupert came from Franne Berez of Action Bull Terriers. She has been so helpful and easy to talk to. We found her accidently while looking for a new Doberman puppy. I deviated to Bull Terrier websites as Mark and I decided we could never replace Wrigley and since we both loved Bull Terriers it was a good time to bring this breed in to our lives.

We will be very active with Rupert. He will be our show, rally, agility, therapy, cgc and all around good buddy puppy. He is a great companion for Fizzbo our Australian Shepherd. They are getting along great and Fizzbo is letting him know who the boss is and just how much hair he will allow him to pull out before he gets the Aussie evil eye and menacing growl. Rupert is a quick study and is learning quickly to play nice.

His first vet visit was fun. Rupert is the only BT that they have as a patient. The vet came in and thought he was a very funny looking Dobe. He thought he looked great and we will go back in two weeks for another shot. Oh, he weighed just over 13 pounds. He is a little tank!

He's been to our office and was a hit. His next adventure will be to meet Anne Wolff Nichols a trainer that I met at the Pet Expo a few years ago. She will be teaching me and Rupert her methods of dog training. She is amazing and if you would like to learn more check out